What would you tell yourself 10 years ago

If you could change something about the person you were ten years ago what would it be and how do you think it would affect you today? For me, I wish I would have enjoyed life more and didn't have to grow up fast. However, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. My life choices, mistakes, failures, heartbreaks, and every other negative thing over the last 10 years has made me the strong person I am today.


  1. Nice blog, you are off to a good start!

    I myself would only want 1 thing, which is more pictures. The topics are interesting, but they seem empty without pictures.

    Btw, I would tell my 10-years-ago self to be more open to other people, since I'm kinda like the private life :)

    My blog is https://randomtimm.blogspot.com
    How about you take a look too?


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