CHEATING Whose Fault is it?

When it comes to cheating I always believed that it is the cheater's fault. If you are not happy in a relationship than leave. Don't use that as an excuse to cheat. Also, women are quick to blame the woman instead of blaming the man. However, there are some situations were I will beat a bitch ass and the man.

Situation 1. If I come home and find both of them in my house and in my bed. I will react before I think. I'm beating both they ass on sight lol

Situation 2. If a female come to my workplace to start drama.... if I get fired OH SHE GETTING THAT ASS BEAT

Situation 3. If she come to my house to fight or continue to harass me....3rd warning is a ass whooping

What are your thoughts and opinions!!!!

Topics are endless........lets talk


  1. Ladies stop blaming everyone else and blame the stop using being hurt in the past as an excuse to do wrong.

  2. I totally agree with this post...I believe some people especially young people need to grow up


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